EMOTIONAL FREQUENCIES :: A conversation with Sandrine Gryson

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Co-founder and manager of prolific Lyon-based ambient electronica imprint Ultimae Records, Sandrine Gryson (aka Mahiane), is back with a new compilation, a bewitching fruit of hard work and dedication. Oxycanta III features new tracks from Ultimae regulars but also from artists who never released music on the label before. Be prepared to be immersed in colorful, emotional frequencies.

Igloo :: Hello there Sandrine, for those who are just starting to get into the Ultimae world or coming across it for the first time, please tell us a bit about Ultimae.

Sandrine :: Vince (AES Dana) and I set up Ultimae late ’99, first as a record label and online shop, it then evolved and we now also act as publisher, set up a mastering studio and a record shop in Lyon. We’re specialized in ambient, IDM, downtempo, atmospheric electronica.

How did you end up starting a record label and what do you do besides managing Ultimae?

One day I decided I had to choose between all my passions and turn one into my life’s work. Music has always been a very strong part of me so there I was wondering what I’d be doing in this industry when I met Vince at a party he’d organized. He was just starting the label and working on the first release and we decided to work together. At the time I was deejaying progressive trance and house on vinyls but changed that to become an ambient DJ after a few years, to me there’s more freedom with this music. Also way easier to carry CDs than vinyls I must admit!!

Apart from that, and when I’m not managing Ultimae, I like to read, especially keen on science-fiction and anticipation, actually here’s a message for Igloo readers, if you have an author to advise email me!

I love playing games, watching movies, sewing clothes, listening and talking, spending time with our daughter Iris, swimming in the sea, drinking wine (especially red Burgundy and sweet white like Tariquet and Coteau du Layon), cooking and eating, partying (I did calm down a little though), traveling and getting to know new people, cultures and languages…

Releasing good music is the core of a label’s success, but we know that it’s not always enough for keeping a label alive. In recent years Ultimae is getting more and more popular all over the world, growing a very passionate and loyal fanbase. What is your secret?

No secret, just plain and simple dedication and work. We chose from the very beginning to be close to fans and send orders ourselves. We write little notes to everyone and created special bonds. Maybe also it’s the fact that we are serious about what we do but also allow ourselves to be silly and have fun.

Oxycanta III is going to be out this month, the third chapter in a series of compilations you compiled and mixed as Mahiane. What can you tell us about this series of compilations, and particularly about Oxycanta III?

With this collection I tend to introduce artists that are new to us and to our fans. I listen to a lot of music in search of this special emotion. I like tracks to be different within the compilation but to keep a certain something in common, the emotion, the key, the color. It took me ages to work on this one as I didn’t really have the time to let myself dive into music. Funnily enough it comes at a time when I’ve decided to start mixing again after 4 years away from the stage. And now I’m buzzing with ideas again and already wondering about a fourth chapter!

Tell us bit about the artists who make their first appearance on Ultimae via Oxycanta III.

OK, we got MER-A, an artist from Ukraine who sent a demo out of the blue, I liked several tracks and in the end decided I’d take two. He’s really someone I would consider for an album release. Lars Leonhard and Fingers In The Noise I had been following for a little while and enjoyed their releases on BineMusic. As for 36, I discovered his music when we decided to take all the releases he’d done on his label to sell them in our shop. Vince fell in love with the track Seance from the album Lithea and it fitted the story.

What about Muridae? I mean that’s an interesting choice for an artist name.

Oh dear, yes I forgot to mention him. I’ve known and loved Jason Corder’s music for a long time, we licensed one of his tracks on Imaginary Friends, music he did under his Offthesky moniker. Muridae is another alias. I like the name but don’t know anything about its story. Now that would be an idea for another interview.

I Awake and Scann-tec are making a comeback on Oxycanta III. I heard that Scann-tec is going to release an album on Ultimae next year. Can you tell us something about that? And is there a chance soon we’ll get a new album from I Awake as well?

Yes Vlad is working on an album at the moment which will be released next year, I can’t tell you when as we never push artists for a deadline – except when there’s a little tweaking to do on one track – as for I Awake, he’s working on an EP that will be released digitally before the end of the year I think. And then we’ll see about the album. Thomas has many projects and many sides to his musical creation so it’s a question of being in sync.

There’s a lovely winter atmosphere on the first chapter of the Oxycanta Series and the second chapter is even called Winter Blooms. I feel that winter vibe in Oxycanta III as well. Is winter a time of the year you are enchanted by in particularly?

Definitely, I love wrapping up in wool, breathe the cold air. For me it’s a time of raw beauty.

Ultimae releases music digitally, but also on CDs that are packed in unique lush digipaks. Personally, I’m still a fan of the CDs, and still appreciate and enjoy beautiful artwork and packaging. What do think about CDs these days?

I only buy CDs or vinyls, I like to touch the object, browse through my collection to choose what I’ll listen to. I did buy a few digital releases but really just to support the artists financially, I never listen to them. It may sound silly to some people, but on my computer I only listen to demos.

The Ultimae releases are quite known for their attractive artwork and packaging style. Tell us about this aspect of your work. I know that Vince is responsible for a lot of that work, but from where the rest is coming from? Who are the people behind all those mysterious nicknames that are credited inside the albums’ booklets?

They are all photographers whose pictures we license for the artwork. We’ve also worked with a collective of photographers from Norway for Circular’s album Substans and Rodolphe Bessey and artist from our home town for AES Dana’s album Leylines. For us images matter as much as sound and it’s important to bring a beautiful object to people who enjoy the CD releases.

Thanks for your time Sandrine, it was a pleasure. Is there anything you would like to say to the fans out there?

Thanks for your support, your messages, your feedbacks… :-)

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Oxycanta III is available for pre-ordering on Ultimae. [Bandcamp].

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