Гибель тургруппы Дятлова :: Souterraine (Knick Knack Yoda)

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In this new sonorous adventure, Rawmance and Lamanna explore radical assaultive sonic sound textures and obsessive echoing litanies connected to the true tradition of 80s pioneering works in sculpted industrial experimentalism,

Гибель тургруппы Дятлова is a newly formed musical project coming from Rome, headed by Matéo Monteiro (alias Rawmance) and Luciano Lamanna with the contribution of Frederica Ronchetta and Pierfrancesco Tudini for added vocals. Lamanna is already known for having released an important catalogue of electro dark-waving materials in collaboration or under various projects (such as Der Noir). In this new sonorous adventure, Rawmance and Lamanna explore radical assaultive sonic sound textures and obsessive echoing litanies connected to the true tradition of 80s pioneering works in sculpted industrial experimentalism (Maurizio Bianchi, Coil, Haus Arafna , Randy Greif et al). The primal strength of this release comes from the unusual dialectic between toxic-nervous sound structures evolving slowly in a complete bleak sounding sanctuary and the pronounced sense of “subliminal” hypno-ish recitatives. The conceptual background is all about the aesthetic chaos, the affective trauma and the trans-expiatory state of the soul in the swamp of our self-destructive mechanicized civilization. The two tracks are constantly and gorgeously haunting, cerebral, seductively glacial, static with clear emphasis on typified organic sound harmonies. Souterraine is an urgent, toxic, primordial, funereal and compelling soundscaping odyssey which re-considers under a new angle and innovative approach the fundamental textural experimentations of earliest deathly droning industrialist acts. In this release Lamanna and Rawmance demonstrate that they are great instigator and imaginative manipulator of sound textures and instrumentation. Souterraine is an indispensable listening experience and absolutely recommended for adventurous listeners in electronic music. A violently lysergic and languid claustrophobic effort.

Souterraine is available on Kick Knack Yoda.

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