Uton & Courtis :: Flokka Kur (Musik Atlach)

The garden of Eden busy being constructed out of heavy gauge iron plate, pipe, copper tubing and steel girders by welders and rivetters, a ramshackle industrial ambient choir of straining and complaining machinery which once in full flower is germinated by apiarian drones.

Uton & Courtis 'Flokka Kur'
Uton & Courtis ‘Flokka Kur’

The garden of Eden busy being constructed out of heavy gauge iron plate, pipe, copper tubing and steel girders by welders and rivetters, a ramshackle industrial ambient choir of straining and complaining machinery which once in full flower is germinated by apiarian drones. A horticultural twist on the Soon-Afters, Ping-Fengs and other imaginary beings collected by Anla Courtis’ beloved landsman, Jorge Luis Borges.

All the colours are flat, bright and primary, a cartoon utopia-parody of God’s more subtle approach. Courtis, from Buenos Aires cult band Reynols, is paired with Finland’s Uton, and together they bend genre electronics to the breaking point. Here they create a new, artificial pastoralism with all kinds of life buzzing between the leaves and oozing under the lily pads and above as clouds and treetops, Alexander Calder mobiles turning gently. And they give crazy, Fenno-Spanish names, genus and species, to their creations—”Tupastiarell MIrta,” “Pensamiento Kielo,” “Ikikulta Lovelia.” Everything is connected, botany and metallurgy, another, preferable kinetic singularity. Such a beautiful racket.

Flokka Kur is available on Musik Atlach.
