Ben Frost :: By The Throat (Bedroom Community)

1884 image 1(November 2009) Ben Frost is a musician, producer and widely respected composer for film, currently based in Reykjavik, Iceland. Having collaborated with Companies such as the Icelandic Dance Company and Australian based Chunky Move, he’s no stranger to the world of soundtrack. He’s also worked with the highly acclaimed Icelandic dancer/choreographer Erna Omarsdottir.

By The Throat is a psychological thriller. This unbounded soundscape is complex and developed, often encouraging hypnotic states. With edges that are barbed and broken there’s no escape from its grip – be prepared to be carried by its robust muscular sounds and strong theme. The cold environment shifts and shapes in a manner that encapsulates every being.

“The Carparthians” opens with beastly cries, launching a vicious attack on its prey and creating a large push towards its jagged edges. Strings are a suggestive underlay on which to place heavy footsteps; with bloodcurdling cries it grasps its victim. Initially there’s a lighter melody with “Hibakusja,” before moving into more concrete shifting sound, approaching steadily, and getting closer to the mark as it induces its own terrifying nightmare.

“Killshot” has a strong electronic rhythm accompanied by explosions of volcanic rocks upon a flow of fast moving lava. Its pulse is slow and steady gaining strength with each beat; darker colours and a slight eastern essence is created with the subtle piano work. “Leo Needs a New pair of Shoes” provides more filters of eastern flavoured echoes, now slightly tranquil, easily adding a false sense of security. This is the otherworld going through its motions, at work – beyond its dark frightful perimeters. Its ultra rich piano sounds
provide more grounding and continue to maintain lighter limits.

“O God Protect Me” supplies a simple prominent pulse to the record while “Peter Venkman Pt 1” has deep velvet like strings creating its foundation, contrasting with the angelic vocal effects which are almost bright and choir like. Its heart starts to race with the addition of keys, only momentarily before it’s obscured by mist.

Throughout this work there’s an earth shattering presence scattering its spiky mass. Chamber instrumentation is subtle, yet so effective. Often irrational, its atmosphere can be as bracing as an icy cold north wind; the music so unsettling that it encourages the mind to wander and self study its own embedded thoughts, drawing conclusion to its own frightful finale.

Ben Frost is a talent whose energies are probably best dispersed among the film making capital of the world. This particular offering is a superb soundtrack that is chillingly imaginative.

By The Throat is out now on Bedroom Community.
