Z'ev :: 5.14.93 (C.I.P., 3" CD)

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What does Z’ev know about music? Well, on this live 20-minute, 2 untitled tracks attempt to explain. This limited edition (500) delivers some fierce atmospheric percussion from a performance at the Performing Garage in New York City circa 1993. This feels more like kodo drumming or performance art sound rather than another day at the local saloon. Bringing alive spirits of silence by banging on cans and pounding encoded messages, the sheer sweat tells its story as the big pitter-patter of human experience. The hollow live feel distorts the original sound a bit by reverberating off concrete or whatever the surroundings were, but you can tell the guy is almost hallucinating through his sound making – or maybe that’s me.

  • Crippled Intellect Productions
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