Siktransit :: Listat (Pleazant Musik, MP3)

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Listat marks the third release for Internet label Pleazant and the second
release for Toronto native Siktransit (Andrew Hallisey).

A dreamlike lo-fi melodic sound permeates each track of the album. Some tracks,
such as “Rock Over London,” venture more into playful retro directions. Others, such
as “Leaves on the Dancefloor,” lean more towards the introspective feel. Overall, the
general mood never shifts far from fond memories of lost youth.

The album concludes with three remixes, two of the track “Touchy,” and one of the title
track “Listat.” In defiance of normal IDM remix standards, each remix clearly refers
to the original version while adding a new dimension.

Already, Siktransit is demonstrating the ability to create songs that strike an
impressive balance between the technical and melodic facets of electronic music.

Listat is available now for purchase through the Pleazant Musik website. (Featuring remixes by Tim Koch, Helios and Talve).

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