Nimh :: Before And After Silence (Zoharum)

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A visceral voyage into deep hypnagogic textures, magnetic clouds and ominous towering moves. These audio works can easily convince those into cryptic drone manifests of Jonathan Coleclough, Colin Potter, Grant Evans, and Dead Voices on Air.

Giuseppe Verticchio (aka Nimh, Hall of Mirrors) is a venturing sound artist, drone-scaping artisan and practitioner of ethno-ritual music explorations. His musical personality and stylistic method embrace a large range of sound colors, erratic, and electroacoustic manipulations. This series of older materials, semi-improvised, primal sculpted ambient sketches and raw electronic recordings—now issued by Zoharum—insists on the most electronic-tinged of Verticchio’s original production.

The pieces gathered in this album are reminiscent to his earliest official albums for Afe, then for Amplexus and Eibon Records. In itself the music is focused on continuums and shimmering drone-scapes with some nervous-noisy molecular inscriptions. The purpose is properly cerebral with efficient psycho-acoustic effects. Even if the equipment and recording procedures are different those perpetually looping, vertiginous, lapping, blooming and vast shifting motifs remind me his most radical tribal / atmospheric pieces in Circles of the Vain Prayers (2016). Disorientated mechanical structures, metallic echoes and buzzing bass chords also come to the mix; sometimes sustained by allusive keyboard lines. A visceral voyage into deep hypnagogic textures, magnetic clouds and ominous towering moves. These audio works can easily convince those into cryptic drone manifests of Jonathan Coleclough, Colin Potter, Grant Evans, and Dead Voices on Air.

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