Pera Sta Ori :: Throwdowns EP (To Pikap)

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An explosive two track trip to tide us over, available on 7″ vinyl and digital, George Kontogiannidis’ Pera Sta Ori moniker (aka ΠΕΡΑ ΣΤΑ ΟΡΗ) drives his message of old-school, rave centered electronics to the core.

Continuing to explore and excavate the deepest breakbeat, jungle, and rave anthems

An explosive two track trip to tide us over, available on 7″ vinyl and digital, George Kontogiannidis’ Pera Sta Ori moniker (aka ΠΕΡΑ ΣΤΑ ΟΡΗ) drives his message of old-school, rave centered electronics straight home. “Thaddeus Patch” rips through shuffling drum’n bass breaks straight out of the mid 90s as “1st Rnd Drft Lottery” obliterates similar rhythms with fresh robotic grooves and crunchy ice sheets. The drum and bass elements are always in solid form as Pera Sta Ori continues to explore and excavate the deepest breakbeat, jungle, and rave anthems with a slight twist. “Let’s go crazy!” as the sample goes.

Throwdowns is available on To Pikap. [Bandcamp]

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