Embracing the sound of classic IDM, Exillon’s Jay Fields infuses this six track EP with healthy doses of acid, electro, and dubstep.

Exillon’s Mean Rich Mud is one of the more refreshing electronic releases that have hit these ears as of late. Embracing the sound of classic IDM, Exillon’s Jay Fields infuses this six track EP with healthy doses of acid, electro, and dubstep. Styles are mixed up within the tracks so things are in constant state of change. This all adds up to a sound that is engaging, dynamic, and very danceable. Comparisons to Clark’s output on Warp would not be off base. While the whole release is excellent, the standout track for is “Hardware Acid” (audio stream below) with its tense 303’s and reverb-coated pads being propelled and driven by an old school electro beat. Highly recommended.
[audio:http://igloomag.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Hardware-Acid-148.mp3|titles=Exillon “Hardware Acid 148”]Mean Rich Mud is out now on Detroit Underground. [Listen | Purchase]