Burial :: Burial (Hyperdub, CD)

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1318 image 1(06.18.06) There’s not much left to say about this record, really. Everyone is talking about Burial, from webzines to online record shops to widespread paper magazines, and everyone agrees this is a stunning debut album. My first reaction was suspicious, fearing that dubstep overexposure might have caused some kind of over-hype, but once I put Burial in my player, I instantly recognized its absolute greatness. I just wrote enthusiastic words about Boxcutter and his Oneiric, and now comes this, which will be 95% my 2006 winner.

I do really want to point out that everything you heard or read about Burial is true: it’s probably the most emotional dubstep record ever made, borrowing inspiration from the roots of the genre but also from the static noise contamination of Basic Channel and Pole (“Distant Lighs,” “Gutted,” “Prayer”), and even adding a bit of raw synth taken from hardcore jungle (“Southern Comfort”). About the crackling digital debris that covers many parts of the record, Burial say that it’s not a reminiscence of vinyl’s surface noise, but it’s meant to recall the static interference of pirate radio transmissions. This is only one of the many reasons that caused boasting reviews in the UK, someone dared to define Burial as the most important album of the decade, and while I won’t second such an ambitious statement, I have to admit that there are not so many records in my mind that could justify such praise. Consider also that among my many friends who have deep musical knowledge, and who like very different stuff from what I listen to, they all agree Burial is an awesome record, no matter if they’re fond of indie rock, improv, minimal techno, breakcore or noise.

I still have to find someone who doesn’t appreciate Burial, but I feel it’ll be a hard task. Don’t ask me how deep the bass is, or if the breaks follow the latest trends, it’s the whole sound that mesmerizes the listener. Find the nearest retailer that stocks it and join the already huge fan base.

Burial is out now on Hyperdub.

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