As Torn Heat cascades its dynamic vision of a dreamlike state of being, it also gravitates towards a calming panoramic of isolated organic atmospheres that […]
Tag: Noise
Elizabeth Veldon :: A Blasted Victoriana (Dark Meadow)
A tour of her burgeoning but plentiful ouevre is stimulating, impressive, appalling, and appealing, fistfuls of experimental electronica, a penchant for piercing noise but also […]
Kajkyt :: Krst & Krst Remixes (God Records)
Its dark ambience, quasi-Byzantine liturgy and deceptively simple structure have been inspired by Slavic culture, the Orthodox Church and the less sanguine aspect of Jesus, […]
C_C :: Retro Action (Bedroom Research)
A collision between industrial, noise, dub and electro all tend to migrate around definitive analog rhythms. Controlled squeaks, squelches, scratches and scorched beats are collected […]
Mika Vainio :: Fe3O4 – Magnetite (Touch)
Terror inducing atmospherics aside, Magnetite is a marvelous snarling visceral work. Fans of fearful heavy drone plus Tim Hecker, Keith Fullerton Whitman and Ryoji Ikeda […]
Amalgamated :: Spark I (Intangible Cat)
Amalgamated’s method is telegraphed by its name: improvise, then “finess,” edit all the elements into comprehensive textures. In essence, the result of regular get-togethers by […]
Andreas Brandal :: The Merchant of Salt (Dumpster Diving Lab)
The Merchant of Salt has a big, warm sound, an almost naîve, early radiophonic workshop charm and inquisitiveness, while remaining utterly contemporary in arrangement and […]
Holzkopf :: Papa Don’t Think Nothin’, Mama Don’t Say Nothin’ (Isolated Now Waves)
Although caked and crusted in noise, it is meticulously assembled of minutiae, colourful debris caught up in a tornado. Jake Hardy from Saskatoon possesses a […]
Philipp Münch :: Mondo Obscura (Ant-Zen)
Industrialized wastelands, noisy rhythms and vocal treatments round off the edges of Mondo Obscura—one of those hard to define albums to say the least. [Release […]