No commercial potential. Where We Were is raw and impulsive rather than polished, calculated and forced; erratic rather than predictable, and it reveals its allure […]
Tag: Dub
Aksutique :: Notch Fields (diametric.)
Rather than pander to the “dub” crowd, this EP takes what has become quite a saturated genre and elevates it with ambient subtlety and a […]
Hans Nieswandt :: Hildegard Knef – Remixed 12 Versions (Bureau B)
Knef has a dark, occasionally faltering voice, but that doesn’t prevent it from bopping along to pop as innocent as a daytime TV margarine commercial […]
RSS Boys :: Double review (Mik Musik)
RSS Boys might just be the most colorful step forward taken by really intelligent dance music in a long time. RSS Boys might just be […]
Dub Spencer & Trance Hill :: Live In Dub & The Victor Rice Remixes (Echo Beach)
If you are in search of new, groovy and piquant dub realms, then this is the album for you. This live output is also a […]
Bangeliz :: Mixtape (Mik Musik)
Mixtape adds up to two, twenty-minute merries-go-round (…) and though you’ll step off woozy, it’s melodic, it’s accessible, it spins at an angle but steady. […]
DUB TRANSMISSIONS :: Dub Spencer & Trance Hill
A living, breathing and kicking monster of groove, Dub Spencer & Trance Hill offers an irresistible blend of heavy, spacey dub movements and psychedelic rock, […]
TM404 :: TM404 (Kontra-Musik)
Andreas Tilliander gets his fingers into the recesses hidden out of sight by sleek, Kraftwerkian efficiency to writhe in more sinister joys, a burble and […]