Vincent I. Watson :: Serene (Pyramids of Mars)

Watson’s glide through different spatial sonic structures infused with Blade Runner-esque tones is highly atmospheric and emotive. A contemporary output beautifully displaying classic characteristics from different genres and times.

Pure, electric and luminous teleportation music. There’s something attractively uncanny in the cover artwork of Serene, and that’s what made me check the musical content and eventually pick up the CD. Fluxes of scintillating sound design hover hypnotically, reflecting kinetic and crystal clear dreamscapes. The album’s title plainly suggests serenity, and indeed there’s a certain serene vibe in the music, allowing the listener to zone out and chill comfortably, but the textures and motion are mind-boggling and full of depth. This combination provides a listening experience that is both relaxing and stimulating. A special experience that can not be created easily. Watson is a familiar figure in the techno / house / electronica world, but with Serene he’s diving into the colorful and celestial ambient realms. You can still feel pulses and piquancy of techno and electronica within the ten composition of Serene, but the music was mainly inspired by the work of influential composers such as Steve Reich and Philip Glass, and occasionally some 70s space music scents are conjuring in the mix. That said, the album has its own unique personality. Watson’s glide through different spatial sonic structures infused with Blade Runner-esque tones is highly atmospheric and emotive. A contemporary output beautifully displaying classic characteristics from different genres and times.

Serene is available on Pyramids of Mars. [Album mini-site]