V/A :: Trap Configurations (June)

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Trap Configurations meshes the raw mechanics of house, the under-refined drum patterns and hoarse bass of the early Chicago variety, with the dreamy sadness and melancholy of wave to produce a powerful dancefloor brew.

June Records is not exactly a prolific label, having managed to put out some twelve records in its eight year history. Nevertheless, what the Greek imprint lacks in a releasing schedule it more than makes up for in quality. The label’s thirteenth 12” has just been announced and is soon set to hit shops, a collection of seven tracks from six contributors: Trap Configurations.

To get the show on the road, long time L.I.E.S. affiliate Svengalisghost conjures up the slow burning nightmare of “Cyberdreams.” A work of reproachful EBM blight, this offering burns with a sulfurous flame. Beats grind against wailing samples while broad and brawling bars swagger and sway to a tarnished thump. A new name, Bruce Roach, keeps the darkness flowing with the burbling black oiliness of “Zoblin 07.” Vocals were employed on Manie Sans Délire’s last release and June’s voice returns as he and Trenton Chase deliver “Static Control.” The track is pure backroom brilliance. Underproduced and rough, a bare and barren beat supports a throbbing melody as cold and distant lyrics resonate. The partnership also offer “Cti,” a raging track that borders between snarling jak and synth wave sorrow. Trenton Chase flies solo, whilst flying off the handle, with a mean and menacing technoid mutant in the shape of “Hand of God.” One of the outliers in this compilation of the compilation comes from Zodiac Free Arts Club aka Argy. A twisting, writhing track entitled “Sohoton” ebbs and flows, rises and falls in a strangely hypnotic world of modular synthesizer noodling. The respite comes with the close, if you could call it a respite. R.R. Hearse teams up with Furnace Miskin for the fairground psychedelics of “Theme.”

This latest compilation has something of a previous one to it. Like Concept 1210, Trap Configurations meshes the raw mechanics of house, the under-refined drum patterns and hoarse bass of the early Chicago variety, with the dreamy sadness and melancholy of wave to produce a powerful dancefloor brew. Music for dark spaces, strobe lighting and a late license.

Trap Configurations is available on June.

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