The Doubling Riders :: Garama (Time Released Sound, reissue)

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The Doubling Riders make trippy music, their compositions oscillate between a soundtrack to a meditation session and a blissful look at a potentially never-ending painting. The reissue by Time Released Sound comes as a great surprise for lovers of ambitiously defiant music.

The Doubling Riders ‎:: Garama (Time Released Sound, reissue)

Started as a project between Francesco Paladino and Pier Luigi Andreoni, The Doubling Riders quickly grew into a collection of sounds that ranged between new age, folk, electronic music and balls to the wall experimentation. Garama is a difficult album to review, due to it being completely inconsistent (to its advantage), tonally dissonant (in that its moods shift ever so capriciously between melancholic medieval music and playful flute-led compositions) and a completely adventurous ride in what must be considered a sort of variant of “world music.” Garama was originally released on Il Museo Immaginario in 1991.

The Doubling Riders make trippy music, their compositions oscillate between a soundtrack to a meditation session and a blissful look at a potentially never-ending painting. The reissue by Time Released Sound comes as a great surprise for lovers of ambitiously defiant music. Best heard with headphones, Garama is an adventurous avant-garde piece, as 24 minute album closer “I Graffiti Di Orione E Delle Pleiadi” testifies. The Doubling Riders did not mess around, and thanks to this reissue their musical free play will remain messy for both old and new listeners alike.

Garama is available on Time Released Sound.

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