SubtractiveLAD :: A Tree In Winter (Self Released)

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Its chilling soundscape and emotional mood is unfettered, channeling darkness and light within ten neoclassical compositions that would easily make for an impacting soundtrack we didn’t expect to exist.

Distilled ambient-acoustic drones and blurry melodies

Minimal extrusions from synth sound-sculptor Stephen Hummel—A Tree In Winter provides distilled ambient-acoustic drones and blurry melodies. Dense as can be, these ten sonic slivers cascade like a calm wind ruffling vacant branches in the midst of winter. Its chilling soundscape and emotional mood is unfettered, channeling darkness and light within ten neoclassical compositions that would easily make for an impacting soundtrack we didn’t expect to exist. The evolving layers, tones, and interwoven synths are as calm as ice crystals beginning to thaw before a warm incoming Spring. SubtractiveLAD creates emotive sound worlds to get lost inside of, and what lies within is simply astounding. Let it dissolve.

A Tree In Winter is available on Bandcamp.

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