Sophus Y. Lie :: Endomorphism (YUYAY)

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Diverse strands of sounds are effortlessly woven together whilst Lie remains true to the terser side of machine music. Developed, soulful and different; a fair amount to accomplish on a first record.

Sophus Y. Lie :: Endomorphism (YUYAY)

I’ve mentioned it many times before. The break to vinyl is a brave one. Despite digital being a bugger to earn from, it’s pretty safe. No pressing costs. No shipping. No artwork, well usually no physical artwork. Vinyl is the opposite. Sure you can try and save. White labels, stamps, all that malark but at the end of the day there’s a hefty bill even for a small pressing.

YUYAY are courageously taking that leap, and with an unknown name. To date Sophus Y. Lie has only been a digital artist, but Endomorphism marks the step to wax. Six tracks are the serving. And the style, born out of electro but without the strict upbringing. Titles may sound like they’ve come from the laboratories of Dopplereffekt, but the sound isn’t. “Geometry Of Planar Imagination” is fun and funk laden, twisting bars slipping and sliding amidst steady beats. Even the colder “Adaptive Unary Operator” can’t help showing a playful side, squelchy pads and bass coming in from a frosty start. There are moments where those frigid currents fully take hold, the dense chords and brittle stings of “Drop Deconvolution” take on a metallic tinge for “The Survivalist’s Triangulation.” But there’s another element to Endomorphism, an electronica angle that subtly arrives in the juddering lines of “Enclosing Envelope Algebra” before reappearing in the crisp trills of “Verdicial Mimesis.”

I don’t know if Sophus Y. Lie is the moniker of a better known artist, but whoever they are they’ve got the touch of established talent. Diverse strands of sounds are effortlessly woven together whilst Lie remains true to the terser side of machine music. Developed, soulful and different; a fair amount to accomplish on a first record.

Endomorphism is available on YUYAY.

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