Rudawoda feat. O. Lubencov :: Wiatr (Turbinicarpus)

This mutely eloquent soundtrack to perniciousness, improvised live on analogue synthesizer and bass guitar, conveys a scene of post-Soviet dilapidation and exudes bitter abjection.

Rudawoda feat. O. Lubencov ‘Wiatr’

[Release page] Ambient lament for an industrial town in the southern Ukraine, into whose drinking water noxious waste is allowed to seep with impugnity. This “red water,” as it is locally known, causes its inhabitants to “rust from the inside.” With small means and powerful effect, a spectral society marked by predation is shown in one, long unbroken panning shot; locomotives, concrete drainage pipes, factories, drizzling grey skies. You can smell the mould, the damp creeps into your bones.

This mutely eloquent soundtrack to perniciousness, improvised live on analogue synthesizer and bass guitar, conveys a scene of post-Soviet dilapidation and exudes bitter abjection. In its own way, Wiatr is a protest song or political mural, and although most of the notes it drops are melancholy, the bass does seem to rally some vitality at one point, before the piece corrodes away.

In stark contrast, browse through its online catalogue and be impressed by the unbridled imagination Turbinicarpus puts into its more than reasonably priced editions.

Wiatr is available on Turbinicarpus.
