Gyrowyre :: Rde EP (Enpeg)

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Rde captures an elegant snapshot of tangible, left field electronics, dispersing along the way, a rhythm filled traverse that wipes out any current traffic jams and frustrations.

Gyrowyre :: Rde EP (Enpeg)

Gyrowyre’s Rde has been in rotation on my morning commutes to work for a few weeks. With the influx of new freeway construction underway, lanes have been squeezed down to narrow slits, altered and shifted each day. Overhead flyovers and debris scattered about the sidelines, it’s been a mess to say the least. Construction detours causing havoc among the locals, Gyrowyre’s debut cuts through the chaos like that motorcycle zipping between those of us stuck in gridlock—it’s a welcomed musical bypass.

The delicate bass thuds, melodic nostalgia of times gone by, and brisk electrical harmonies are blissful. Early Toytronic/U-Cover releases from the likes of Gimmik, Abfahrt Hinwill, Ontayso, Lusine ICL flood the memory banks—tangled blips and ambient IDM flutter all roll into a cohesive whole. Rde captures an elegant snapshot of tangible, left field electronics, dispersing along the way, a rhythm filled traverse that wipes out any current traffic jams and frustrations. Soothing as it is crisp, repeated listens dissolves into an emotive eclipse without any apparent start or end—a panoramic extended player worth diving into.

Rde is available on Enpeg.

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