emho & Arovane :: Sonic Companion #1 (Sonic Dialogue)

The combination is intense and relaxing, which together create something singular and new, a conglomerate otherwise unknown and amazing. Art can be provocative, controversial, difficult and then relaxing sometimes.

Echoing inside an infinite cosmic cathedral

Sonic Dialogue is a label publishing ongoing back and forth sonic conversation between artists. The project aims at recontextualizing each artist’s source samples, identifying the universe within them and crafting a new musical dialogue. Lucky accidents, errors in the process and sharing personal facts beyond comparison, lead to the reveal of more layers of meaning as the discussion continues.”

I would always listen to the entire piece, continuously, each time, all the way through this track, at first. Now I skip around, playing short intervals skipping from different spots on the recording. There are changes in the slowly shifting frequencies that are only noticeable when you hop about, sampling the sound there and here, to step out of the listening continuum. The Arovane “Nodes” listening experience is a unique creation and can bring about a feeling that is not otherwise available.

Track two, emho “Vert” (9:55). There is a slow fade in, and combined with the way the previous track ended and then paused, this is one delicious long silence if you play the tracks one after the other. Now there is a very subtle and gentle microscopic atmosphere, some kind of a hum that you cannot quite hear. Eventually there are more little noises, maybe like a handful of pebbles dropping into a pond, transient electronic emanations or sometimes buzzing that fades in and out, eventually some crackling or popping almost comes clearly into range, from a distance. Maybe we are echoing inside an infinite cosmic cathedral near a monstrously ancient huge wet mossy green concrete fortification in the dark.

“Vert” is an atmospheric glory, an easy and darkly mysterious sounding work, refreshingly slow and subtle now. Whatever it is, it fluctuates organically, like a field recording, but of what? It is peaceful and easy to listen to, there are no answers, and like the darkness, the listening experience is calming. There are some drone elements, but the feeling is much different than the singular tone of “Nodes” which is probably only appropriate for me to dare to attempt any comparison, because they are ultimately now and forever twins. I can’t help comparing them. Solid and soft.

The Arovane track is extremely powerful, and that makes it also valuable as an artistic experiment, but difficult for me to listen to more than a few times each morning, before breakfast. The emho track is calming and restful. The combination is intense and relaxing, which together create something singular and new, a conglomerate otherwise unknown and amazing. Art can be provocative, controversial, difficult and then relaxing sometimes.

Sonic Companion #1 is available on Sonic Dialogue. [Bandcamp]