Conquering Animal Sound :: On Floating Bodies (Chemikal Underground)

A seminal second record by the Scots, full of interesting detail and powerful songwriting.

conquering_animal_sound_on-floating-bodiesIt’s hard not to feel that if Björk were to start again, this is precisely the record she’d wish to create. Thus, the Scottish duo’s sound is all about creating space for Anneke Kampman’s voice to work—she carries the record through the motions, shifting from chorus to verse and handling it very well.

Kampman does sound a lot like Björk, though Conquering Animal Sound is much different than what the Icelandic superstar had ever come up with. This is pure electronica, with synths and minimal percussive noises throughout. Sixth track, “Gloss,” is a definite highlight—akin to Massive Attack’s recent work on Heligoland. Kampman’s vocal lines are catchy alongside the percussive rhythm in the background. It’s an urgent piece, melancholic in moments and majestic in tone.

On Floating Bodies has a tendency to do what it says, float rather than entertain during playback. There are shoegazey periods that almost make a point of being aimless, but very rarely do the duo (including James Scott) let up. A seminal second record by the Scots, full of interesting detail and powerful songwriting.

On Floating Bodies is available on Chemikal Underground.
