clocolan :: Monday Kid (Redpan)

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clocolan’s soundscapes are encapsulated by a multitude of spectral tones and drones, while dreamy, textured layers present an uneven yet well-balanced veneer.

Time floats in expansive audio collages where eerie ambient electronic passages finds clocolan seeking comfort. Unfinished sketches from the fantastic Incide album are included on Monday Kid‘s eleven abstracts. Recorded sometime between September 2022 and April 2023, the tracks are referred to as “alternate recordings,” although these well-placed leftovers offer a distinct coalescence. The nostalgic assemblage of brief interludes and longer sonic sections are permeated with translucent synth layers of darkness and flickering electrical signals from many light years away.

As a result, clocolan’s soundscapes are encapsulated by a multitude of spectral tones and drones, while dreamy, textured layers present an uneven yet well-balanced veneer. Monday Kid is mostly beatless, with a few percussion blocks woven throughout its compositions, the mood is constantly warped, perplexing, and shuffling, with a smattering of atmospheric elements and discordant melodic strands. Where darkness dwells, we are merely occupants taking in these peculiar yet timeless sound installations.

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