Alpha Visitor :: Ciudad Fantasma EP (Shipwrec)

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What’s in store are ultra-thick bass lines and bustling electro techno with a darker tinge.

A powerful debut for Shipwrec

Ivan Zapico (aka Alpha Visitor) delivers Ciudad Fantasma, a four track EP for the ever dependable dutch label founded in 2010, Shipwrec. What’s in store are ultra-thick bass lines and bustling electro techno with a darker tinge. The title track provides just enough Detroit-influenced electronics to keep us spooked with baffling nostalgia while thudding downtempo blips and bleeps on “20202020” cast parallel stretched shadows. The b-side takes a slightly different approach with even darker echoes and acid-crunching hypnosis on “Malos tiempos para la guerra” as “Templo de Cova” transports us to Japanese Telecom vs Sean Deason-style Detroit techno synths and emotive strands. A powerful debut for Shipwrec and a sweet tetrad to boot; easily reshaping raw soundscapes from the past into the now.

Ciudad Fantasma is available on Shipwrec. [Bandcamp]

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