Influences from netlabels and the IDM Nophi releases are everywhere on Resurgens—from the Amen breaks to the intricate synthesizer detail, but nearly every song is […]
Author: Greg Dutcher
Robert Lippok :: Redsuperstructure (Raster-Noton)
Working more like character studies of the individual sounds therein than “songs” with structures and interrelated parts. This is a subtle distinction, much easier heard […]
Rivulets :: We’re Fucked (Important)
Normally, reviewing a record only requires an examination of music-related thoughts, but We’re Fucked was different – it forced me to consider my thoughts about […]
Byetone :: Symeta (Raster-Noton)
Bender has gotten more rhythmically adventurous, and has also updated his palette of sounds, somehow staying faithful to that precarious notion of what is and […]
Ben UFO :: Rinse: 16 (Rinse)
Vacillating between house and bass music and occasionally blending the two. Rinse: 16 checks the boxes any self-respecting mix should – unflagging energy, varied track […]
Damu :: Unity (Keysound)
Each of Unity’s elements, the percussion especially, arrives, states its case politely, then leaves, forming a pleasurable impression, but not a very memorable one. It’s […]
Mark McGuire :: Get Lost (Editions Mego)
Get Lost is a timid step back from the ambition and unsubtle nostalgia of Living With Yourself, but is not quite a regression. It still […]
The Field :: Looping State of Mind (Kompakt)
Looping State of Mind bangs with the same luminous intensity as his most popular work and avoids the stale returns that revisiting tried formulas usually […]
Josip Klobucar & Obey City :: Double review (4Lux / Astro Nautico)
Pessimism’s natural in the Internet’s climate of constant stimulation; it’s a coping mechanism, a natural response to distributors’ exhausting hucksterism. But in case you want […]