Pinkcourtesyphone :: Three Themes (Line)

An album that makes a suggestive and seductive soundtrack for come-downs and come-ons alike.

Pinkcourtesyphone :: Three Themes (Line)

Richard Chartier picks up his Pinkcourtesyphone to dial in a digital expansion of Three Themes, originally a gold dust-like 7″ of just 10 copies (Superior Standards, 2012). The release hosts long-form versions of the “Afternoon” and “Evening” themes from Foley Folly Folio (2012) and a reprise version of “62000 Valentines,” an isolationist sketch from A Ravishment Of Mirror (Dragon’s Eye, 2014).

With sprawl space in spades (23+ mins), “Afternoon Theme” lullingly loops two drowsy woodwind-like phrases droopy with hall reverb and other FX stirred in, slowly shifting focus one to another. It evolves more languorously than FFF‘s version in its nagging hypnagogue recursions. “Evening Theme” seeks to expand the expressive range of the composition, imparting a tidal lap and swell dynamic. It ends with “62000 Valentines (envelope version),” an initial rhythmic sound-chafe ceding to a settling density of drones. The almost winsome lull of the first two cuts is offset by a chillier haze in a slow-release minimal loop work that navigates spaces between Chartier’s own-name work (cf. igloo ‘view of Subsequent Materials (2006 – 2012)) and other themes contained here. It (ma)lingers, a steady smear on the event horizon, nigh on 20 minutes, making for a fitting finale.

Overall, Chartier sublimates the labcoat laptop-iary his name is known for to the PCP persona, one which gives voice to a more knowingly ludic side, here channelling waking dream sequences bearing traces of influence from sometime associate, William Basinksi (note prior coupling, Untitled 1-3). Three Themes is an album that makes a suggestive and seductive soundtrack for come-downs and come-ons alike.

Three Themes is available on Line
