Jacob Birge :: The Fountainhead EP (Acre)

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Broken electro shards, reminiscing synths and punchy abstract propulsion keeps Jacob Birge intermixing quite well with the finest purveyors in the experimental electronic field.

A tilled Autechre—Einóma soil is packed with tangled electronics which somehow flow into a cohesive whole on The Fountainhead—a five-pack extended player for Acre Recordings. Jacob Birge, a Scotsman who also happens to be a recognized fashion designer, allows a churning, microbial stream of mechanics to elevate these sound-works. Though jack-hammered rhythmic clangs and wandering synths form the basis for this EP, there are transparent melodic jolts that entwine into a sonic smorgasbord that don’t let up. Broken electro shards, reminiscing synths and punchy abstract propulsion keeps Jacob Birge intermixing quite well with the finest purveyors in the experimental electronic field. Springing into and out of phase effectively, The Fountainhead is a welcomed retreat into lost worlds where buzzing audio blocks morph into engaging bits and bytes.

Fountainhead is available on Acre.

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