Grandbruit :: Adaptation (Élan Vital)

Adaptation adds to a growing back catalog, with languorous, looping motifs accruing through judicious entrainment into an overall suite whose doleful resonance is as strong emotionally as timbrally.

Languorous, looping motifs

Adaptation was released back in March on Macedonia’s Élan Vital, though its effect, like its dynamic, takes time to fully register, slowly sneaking up through auditory channels into the psyche. It’s a pretext, if pretext be needed, to give coverage to Grandbruit, ambient guitar project of Francis Tremblay, who, between co-curation (with brother, Pierre Luc aka Lamasz, another to follow up) of Florina Cassettes (hosting inter alia La Première Sortie de Florina) finds inspiration in “the banalities of everyday life and his city’s landscape” to produce a variety of works wrought with electric guitar, sundry effects and field recordings.

“Humans have an innate ability to adapt to change and this album is a vehicle for exploration of this capacity” is the semiotic cue to Adaptation offered by Tremblay, whose looping recursions with inbuilt microvariation issue in an outcome that, like all his work, is insidiously mesmeric, worming its ambiguous way into your affections. Last igloo-’view of the Montreal native documented appearances on Past Inside the Present (Ruptures), Healing Sound Propagandist (Sédum), and Midira (Rivière Rouge), though in the interim, far from sleeping, Tremblay has eased out several more Grandbruits—Mes ennuis (Lontano Series), L’équilibre est nécessaire (Aural Canyon) and Toile vierge (giraffe tapes).

Adaptation, then, adds to a growing back catalog, with languorous, looping motifs accruing through judicious entrainment into an overall suite whose doleful resonance is as strong emotionally as timbrally.

Adaptation is available on Élan Vital [Bandcamp]
