‘It’s about this place in North Montreal where I’d go to escape […] It’s incredibly beautiful, but it also filled me with hopelessness and a […]
Tag: Low Point
Elsewhereness revisited #9 oneiromancy quarterly
Elsewhereness revisited is an occasional feature documenting the drift at the margins: ambient gasbagging, ’tube-d, ’cloud-ed, and ’camp-ed up, complete with companion mix, Elsewhereness revisited #9. […]
TAPE :: Transmissions 10
In the true dichotomy that is the tape release world, we’ve continued to trawl the digital world to search out some of the finest tape […]
Elsewhereness revisited #2 Man Bites Hypnagogue
Elsewhereness revisited is an occasional feature documenting the drift at the margins: ambient gasbagging, tube-lubed, cloud-ed, and bcamped-up, complete with companion mix, Elsewhereness revisited #2 Two reissues […]
Ben Fleury-Steiner :: While The Red Fish Sleeps (Soft Corridor)
While The Red Fish Sleeps is an engagingly queasy immersion in mystery seas teeming with spectral eldritch presence, accompanying text from Beckett providing further anchorage for a […]
Kyle Bobby Dunn :: Kyle Bobby Dunn and the Infinite Sadness (Students of Decay)
A triumph not so much of removed authorial ego, but of artful detachment. Purveyor of refined works of ambient minimalism since 2005, Kyle Bobby Dunn dials in […]
Nickolas Mohanna :: Parallax View (Low Point)
Filled with even more densely layered electronics, ambient drone, and fractal samples. A rich and tightly focused experiment in modular analogue synths, ambient drone and […]
Ben Fleury-Steiner :: Clearings (Rural Colours)
Clearings seems to describe a trajectory in its passage from organic to more ethereal sounds; a dynamic of slow aperture, a catharsis involving nature’s mediation—these […]
Top releases of twenty-twelve
Well over 180 releases have been selected by various igloomag.com contributors highlighting some of the finest in an expansive array of electronic music featuring ambient, […]