Scanner :: The Phenol Tapes (Alltagsmuzik)

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The whole of The Phenol Tapes is a deep journey into the interior of Scanner’s creative mind as well as the lands of Captiva Island and comes highly recommended.

Robin Rimbaud (aka Scanner), is a veteran of the experimental scene arising from the cultural diaspora of the UK rave scene. Known for his groundbreaking use of radio scanners in his music, he’s never rested on laurels of any kind, keeping a steady and prolific pace of releases, each exploring different themes, methods, and executions.

The Phenol Tapes is the result of Rimbaud’s residency on Captiva Island, Florida, at the invitation of the Robert Rauschenberg Residency. Armed with only a single monophonic modular synthesizer and an effects pedal, Rimbaud used the afternoons in this locale to create and album of fluid, meditative pieces inspired by the surrounding landscape, with local wildlife such as osprey, woodpeckers and pelicans accompanying some pieces. Every piece is unique in creating its own space within the larger whole where Rimbaud takes the listener along a retrospective journey through the favorite places from his time there.

“Rhyme and Rhebus” opens with fluttery, ambling tones over reverb backdrops. “Robert and Cy” is reminiscent of early Autechre while displaying the customary heartfelt twiddling and tweaking of the synthetic translator of the coastal lands unfolding before his eyes. “Stone, Stone, Stone” putts along on the Kirkland modulars’ rhythm, evoking the hidden urgency of animal life on the island. “Beach Relics” is a slow moving affair where hazy tones echo and bump against one another while the mist of reverberated soundbeds drift and shimmer. The whole of The Phenol Tapes is a deep journey into the interior of Scanner’s creative mind as well as the lands of Captiva Island and comes highly recommended.

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