V/A :: .​.​. and darkness came (Headphone Commute)

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… and darkness came is a colossal yet stunning collection of cinematic and emotive music—showcasing artists new and established at a very reasonable price and all for a good cause too. For any fan of ambient experiments…

' .​.​. and darkness came'
‘ .​.​. and darkness came’

[Release page] The 2012 theme of epic blog curated compilations continues with this stunner from Headphone Commute. It’s not a freebie but it is all for a good cause as 100% of money generated will be donated to two charitable organizations: The Humane Society and Doctors without Borders. Both are working to benefit those affected by October 2012’s Hurricane Sandy so, no excuses, click that buy button—it’s just $10 for which you’ll get an insane 87, that’s EIGHTY SEVEN, tracks of the world’s finest ambient, experimental and modern classical musicians.

There is a highly melancholic feel to much of this huge collection with many of the pieces composed exclusively by myriad artists that sum up all that is good in this sphere of music: Helios, Maps and Diagrams, Lawrence English, Nils Frahm, Olafur Arnalds, Max Richter—they’re all here. It must be said that if you are a fan of the gentler side of gorgeous piano-led thoughtful works then the first three tracks from Helios, The Frozen Vaults and Fabrizio Paterlini are worth the entry price alone.

The more abstract side of drone experimentations is also represented with grave, dead of night inclusions from the likes of Somatic Responses and Julian Neto through to hazy twilight interpretations from Radere and Talvihorros. It will be no surprise that beats are kept very much to a minimum—the vast majority here being devoid of percussion leaving plenty of room for tracks to soar with teary ambient beauty—particular favorites of this writer coming from Good Weather for an Airstrike, Infinite Scale, Leah Kardos and Max Richter.

… and darkness came is a colossal yet stunning collection of cinematic and emotive music—showcasing artists new and established at a very reasonable price and all for a good cause too. For any fan of ambient experiments I thoroughly recommend that you delve in and enjoy!

… and darkness came is available on Headphone Commute. [Release page]

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