Greg Davis :: New Primes (Greyfade)

Greg Davis is exposing us to a work of simple tones made with prime numbers but with intention and purpose. Bravo for venturing into the small cracks of audio art that most don’t even see.

Exploring how prime numbers resonate to the ear

What a ride. Over all too soon. Mathematics and music; many musicians and artists alike have been exploring the relationship for centuries. I am no historian on this matter but I can say that when I read a book called Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid, by Douglas Hofstadter, this recording took me right back to the stories of Bach writing mathematical riddles in his music to the royalty. The layered tones are haunting as well as comforting. Exploring how prime numbers resonate to the ear is extremely interesting and creates some results that can resonate in ways I have never felt. I cannot put my finger on it but it only makes me want to hear and learn more. Although it’s short and to the point, by the last track I feel hope and light as opposed to the earlier tracks that rub what feels like alien tones and the ears yearn for a break. Artist, Greg Davis is exposing us to a work of simple tones made with prime numbers but with intention and purpose. Bravo for venturing into the small cracks of audio art that most don’t even see. I can’t stop listening and wondering about the process.

New Primes is available on Greyfade. [Bandcamp | Release page]
