το σκιαγράφημα :: Dinner with Alexia EP (33)

A welcomed and unique low-riding sonic manifest.

To Skiagrafhma (το σκιαγράφημα—in Greek, which translates to the sketch) reveals five brooding dub spheres for Greece-based 33. One can hear faint shadows of Mono (ref. “Life In Mono” single—Echo/Mercury, 1997) as well as early-era Amon Tobin (ref. Supermodified—Ninja Tune, 2000) trickling into earshot via Dinner with Alexia. A brief brokenbeat downtempo vein traversing trip-hop is ever-present with fragmented voices floating in a candlelit room. Hefty basslines and cemented drums penetrate the backbone of these tracks as they engage and flicker away. Classical tonal activity reveals itself, buried in a widened percussive onslaught and eerie rhythm blast. This extended-player is a welcomed and unique low-riding sonic manifest of hopefully more to follow. Fans of Einoma and Semiomime may revel in this well-conceived audio memento.

Dinner with Alexia is available on 33. [Release page]
