Autechre :: Confield (Warp, CD)

190 image 1(07.18.01) After being widely debated prior to its release, Autechre’s new album Confield is finally available for mass consumption. Like with every Autechre release, Booth and Brown take another step forward, seemingly attempting to steer their music away from the Autechre sound that is so widely duplicated these days by countless IDM acts. Make no mistake however, this is Autechre, but with a natural progression toward new territories and new sounds. On the surface, Confield is quite minimal compared to previous works, using strange clicks and bubbling patterns of static to create their rhythms in place of predominant beats.

A noticeably dark current flows beneath this album, carrying one song into the next with perfect distinction and scientific-like precision. The moods range from the maniacal drum-work of “Pen Expers” to the somber soundscapes of “Uviol”. I’ve found myself listening to this album quite a bit, intrigued by the strangeness and hypnotic qualities of many of the patterns presented throughout the release. It’ll probably take a current Autechre fan to appreciate this release (perhaps even more), but if you’re looking for something outside the many current electronic offerings from the clones, give Confield some attention.

Confield is out now on Warp Records.